Ranjit Kandalgaonkar


Ranjit Kandalgaonkar lives and works in Mumbai and his art practice primarily comprises a lens directed at the urban context of cities. Projects such as ‘cityinflux’, ‘Gentricity’ and ‘Stories of Philanthropic Trusts’ map vulnerability within redevelopment strategies of urbanisation or record timelines and ‘blindspots’ – alternate markers of a city that’s unraveling.  A study of combative histories of reclamation and speculation has led to projects such as ‘Isles amidst reclamation’ and ‘Seven Isles unclaimed’. Another decade-long project named ‘Modelled Recycled Systems’ records ship-breaking practices at Alang, Gujarat. Most of his long-term projects are research-intensive and attempt to unlock historical and contemporary data by placing the work in the context of an unseen social history.Awards & grants include Majlis Visual Arts Fellowship, UDRI Fellowship, Leverhulme Artist Residency, Harvard University SAI Artist Residency, Seed Funding Award -Wellcome Trust and a Gasworks Artist Residency His work has been showcased at Bergen Assembly’16, OCA Norway, Colomboscope’19, UCL Cities Methodologies’14, Project 88, Wellcome Collection, 1Shanti Road, and Warehouse 421.