Curated By Sudarshan Shetty

Who is Asleep Who is Awake is an exploration into the liminal spaces between wakefulness and dream, between perceptions of fact and fiction and individual representations of both. These ideas are explored through the work of seven artists as part of this exhibition. ‘Hidden’ is a short documentary film by Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi; ‘Sleepers’, a photo-series by Dhruv Malhotra; ‘Three Wheels’, a short film by Cambodian filmmaker Kavich Neang; a painting installation by Abir Karmakar; ‘Warsha’, a short film by Lebanese-Canadian filmmaker Dania Bdeir, ‘For You And Me’, a short film by Tanushree Das, and ‘Extinctions’, a video installation by Sharmistha Mohanty.

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