Visual Arts Research Grant 20-21
This grant seeks to specifically support research initiatives by individual researchers that will contribute to the discourse around Visual Arts in South Asia in the 21st century. Through this scheme, the Foundation seeks specifically to engage with projects initiated outside of institutional research centres. The Visual Arts Research Grant would be awarded for research drawn from lesser known archives, or autonomous initiatives that shed light upon understudied or emerging aspects of visual culture.

Hrishitonoy Dutta
Hrishitonoy Dutta is a transdisciplinary artist currently living in Guwahati. He has a bachelor’s in Visual Art from College of Fine Arts, Bangalore and an MA in Visual Art from Ambedkar University Delhi. He experiments with a range of mediums and materials to translate his love for animals in the form of storytelling.
Through this project, he wishes to explore new ways of storytelling landscapes; transforming habitats and archiving ecological change through mapping and documenting tales of and behind road-kills. Hrishitonoy intends to use road-kills as an entry point to create an investigative record of the biodiversity of Guwahati. He will be closely working and collaborating with science communicator and zoologist Radhika Rao and together will collectively develop the project by engaging in dialogue with students from Parijat Academy to create an archive that helps perceive and interpret the spaces we inhabit.
As he asks, can a wrinkle in time and an aberration in space become a geological feature?