The Embodied Performer with Artificial (AI) Thoughts

Published on August 30, 2024

As an AI-embodied performer, Suhasini is an extension of this belief. By embodying these stories, she initiates dialogue, she nudges you to look beneath the everyday sights and explores the layers that often go unnoticed. As you return to your routines, I hope today’s performance stirs in you a sense of curiosity and mindfulness about the city around you.

A Plastic Parody

Published on August 29, 2024

On a warm July evening in the Oworonshoki suburb of Lagos, residents from the nearby slum neighbourhood gather around a rather worn-out community hall in the corner of a large open ground beside a massive community water tank built during the previous election, that lay dry for the last five years.

Fluid Objects, Fluid Homes

Published on August 27, 2024

For many of us queers, homes are often defined by their fleeting-ness. They are never permanent. There is a continuous seeking of home elsewhere, migrating from ‘familial homes’ in search of spaces that might welcome us.

Beyond Flesh: An Interplay between the Internal and External Narratives of the Body in Performance Art

Published on August 21, 2024

The human body is a landscape made of our various experiences, like a living, breathing, expressing canvas. The physical form (deha) is home to the spiritual form (ātman). Indian philosophy views the body as a miniature version of the universe itself: a microcosm where our physical and metaphysical existences profoundly entwine.

Counter-Mythologies in Mandeep Raikhy’s Hallucinations of an Artifact

Published on August 12, 2024

Hallucinations of an Artifact is a 50-minute-long performance work by choreographer-dancer Mandeep Raikhy which resuscitates the figure of the ‘Dancing Girl’ of Mohenjo-daro. On stage we see this possibility being enacted and probed by three dancers—Akanksha, Manju, and Meghna—performing around three small pedestals.

Phantasmic ‘Queerscapes’: Performing Spatialities in Debashish Paul’s Body as a Landscape; Body in a Landscape

Published on August 7, 2024

Amidst a neglected panorama oblivious to the customs and travesties of domesticity, a desolate figure treads a barren terrain. Overhead, an imminent cloud of fog hangs, within arm’s reach, threatening to engulf the actors. Flanked by a waterbody, the scenery, despite its desolation, is animated by windswept vegetation and impassioned bird-song, evoking a terrestrial tango.

The Body Chronicles: Tales of Horror and Hearth

Published on August 2, 2024

“I was born from the purchase of my mother’s body, and the sale of mine makes my skin feel like it did that night.” In the beginning of Empathy and Prostitution, we see a visitor placing money and turning into an active participant, thereby establishing a bond between themselves and the artist lying naked on the bed.

Anatomy of Disconnection

Published on July 31, 2024

On the corner of Rampart Row, across from Rhythm House in Bombay’s Kala Ghoda district, poet and artist Arun Kolatkar sits at a table at the Wayside Inn. It is a Thursday afternoon in the 1960s, and like every other Thursday, Kolatkar is gradually joined by friends and acquaintances – painters, poets, editors – who drop in for a conversation

Open Call | WAC Edition 7: Body as Site – Performance Art and Its Many Meanings

Published on April 4, 2024

The body is a charged site, capable of making meaning through a variety of acts, gestures, and significations. Its language exceeds—even challenges—speech and conventional vocabularies, opening up newer and more radical avenues of expression, across traditional art forms and experimental movement practices.